School Uniform

Blazer Collar.
Top Button.
Tie up tight to shirt.
All pupils MUST wear a clip-on tie.
Girls may wear hair bands, but these must be black or navy.
Shirt tails neatly tucked in.
Shirt should be knee length.
Jewellery (watches and, for girls, one pair of small stud earrings worn on the lobe of the ear).
Only official school badges to be worn on the uniform.
Low black dress shoes.

Boys' Uniform
Black Blazer with school crest.
Blue Shirt
School tie (clip on)
Black Trousers and Black Socks
Grey Jumper with Royal Blue V
Girls' Uniform
Navy Blazer with school crest.
Blue Shirt
School tie (clip on)
Navy Skirt (knee length)
Navy Jumper with Royal Blue V
Black Tights
We have 3 official uniform suppliers for the main school uniform:
Mr T McGrath, 97 Main Street, Maghera BT46 5AB · Tel 028 7964 2876
J&M Clothing, 11 Laragh Road. Maghera. BT46 5NS – Tel 028 79401855
Burns, 17 St Patrick’s Street, Draperstown, BT45 7AJ – Tel 028 7962 8405
P.E. Uniform
Official College PE gear can be purchased from our online O’Neills store. Follow the link:
Online O’Neills Store