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Welcome To The Music Department

Music Department: Staff

Ms J. Conway - Head of Music

Mrs R. TaggartTeacher of Music

In addition, there are six visiting instrumental teachers. We currently have approximately 70 pupils taking music lessons in the school. All pupils receive individual lessons which last 20-30 minutes throughout the school day. We offer lessons in Strings, Woodwind, Brass, Drum- kit, Piano and Guitar. Pupils are also encouraged to take part in extra-curricular activities to reinforce the excellent work of the instrumental tutors.

Mrs S. Mc ConnellStrings


Miss L. Skelton Woodwind


Mrs B. MurrayWoodwind


Mrs J. DickeyPiano


Mr H. ReedGuitar


Mr F. O’ HaganDrums

We have two music classrooms, a technology studio and three practice rooms used by pupils and instrumental teachers.

Music Department: Aims


The ethos of the music department at St. Patrick’s College is to promote learning through creativity and practical music making, which will enable each child to reach their full potential. We believe that everyone should have access to playing and appreciating many different types of music and should have the opportunity to develop and showcase their skills as often as possible.

We as a department aim to:

  • Help all students experience an in-depth and varied musical education, to prepare them towards KS4, KS5 and further musical study.

  • Have a balance between practical performance work, composition and learning how to listen to and appraise music.

  • Encourage students to develop their musicianship through a wide range of musical experiences, genres and cultures

Music Department: Subject Overview

Key Stage 3

Years 8, 9 and 10 receive one class of music per week.


Students study a very wide variety of musical genres and styles throughout Key Stage 3. These units are underpinned by the essential composing, performing and listening and apprising skills needed for examination at KS4 and 5.


We cover the following topics in Years 8, 9 and 10:

Year 8


Spooky Music

Instruments of the


Feel the Rhythm

Careers in Music


Year 9

Elements Revision




Music and the Media

Folk Music

Year 10

All about the Bass

Musical Traditions in Ireland

Film Soundtracks

Offbeat Reggae

Making Arrangements

Dance Music

Key Stage 4

Examination Board: CCEA

Years 11 and 12 receive seven classes of music across the two-week timetable.

GCSE Music is designed to appeal to, and cater for, a wide range of interests, instruments and personalities. Talented performers and budding composers can develop their creative skill and flair whilst gaining a worthwhile qualification.

The course focuses on the three main components;

  • Listening and Apprising

  • Composing

  • Performing.

Unit 1

Performing and


Complete one solo and one ensemble performance Short discussion about your performance with the visiting examiner. Solo (30 marks) Ensemble (30 marks) Discussion (10 marks)


Unit 2

Composing - Controlled Assessment

Create two compositions:

A) One in response to a pre-release stimulus and

B) One free choice. Composition A (30 marks) Composition B (30 marks)


Unit 3

Listening and

Appraising - External written examination 1 hour 30 mins Answer questions based on familiar and unfamiliar music relating to the Areas of Study:

  • Western Classical Music 1600-1910

  • Film Music

  • Musical Traditions of Ireland Popular Music 1980- Present day


Key Stage 5

Examination Board: CCEA


Entry Requirement: GCSE Music B+. Grade 5 in chosen instrument.


Pupils in Years 13 and 14 receive eleven classes of music across the two-week timetable.

A level music is an excellent choice for students who wish to either further their musical development or add variety to other A level subjects. Students develop essential skills in communication, problem solving and working with others.

AS Level

Unit 1

Performing and Appraising

A solo performance at a level equivalent to at least Grade 4 standard of 5 to 7 minutes duration and a viva voce.

Assessed by Visiting Examiner

32.5% of AS 13% of A level

Unit 2

Composing - Controlled

Assessment Choice of composition task:

Option A) – Free composition

Option B) - Composition with music technology task.

1½ to 2½ minutes duration accompanied by a written commentary of no more than 1000 word

Internally assessed Externally moderated

32.5% of AS 13% of A level

Unit 3

Listening and Appraising

Three compulsory areas of study, each containing four set works:

A) Music for Orchestra 1700–1900;

B) Sacred Vocal Music (anthems)

C) Secular Vocal Music (musicals)

A 1 hour test of aural perception and a 2 hour written examination

35% of AS 14% of A level

A2 Level

Unit 1

Performing and Appraising

A solo performance at a level equivalent to at least Grade 5 standard of 8 to 10 minutes duration and a viva voce.

Assessed by Visiting Examiner

19.5% of A level

Unit 2

Composing - Controlled

Assessment Choice of composition task:

Option A) – Free composition

Option B) - Composition with music technology task 2 to 3 minutes duration accompanied by a written commentary of no more than 1200 words

Internally assessed Externally moderated

19.5% of A level

Unit 3

Listening and Appraising

Three compulsory areas of study each containing four set works:

A) Music for Orchestra in the Twentieth Century;

B) Sacred Vocal Music

C) Secular Vocal Music (1600 to the present day)

A 1¼ hour test of aural perception and a 2 hour written examination

21% of A level

Music Department: Extra-Curricular

We aim to encourage a wide variety of music-making opportunities and to develop the potential of each pupil by making music an enjoyable and rewarding experience inside and outside the classroom.


The Music Department hosts a variety of events and extra-curricular activities throughout the year. Highlights of the musical calendar include the Christmas Carol service, Inaugural School Mass and Taize events. Music also occurs at Prize-giving events and other small performances throughout the year. These events are supported with music from our Senior and Junior Choirs, Traditional Music group and String and Woodwind ensembles.

Both the Senior and Junior Choirs compete in local music festivals across Northern Ireland including BBC School Choir of the Year.

The School Production occurs biannually and is always a huge event on the school calendar. The department has produced many sell-out performances over the years from Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat, West Side Story, Little Shops of Horrors, Calamity Jane, Fame and most recently Beauty and the Beast.

Students can also enrol in the instrumental tuition programme and receive one-to-one lessons with a specialist instrumental teacher. Many of our students take advantage of our extensive extra-curricular music lessons including Piano, Strings, Brass, Woodwind, Guitar, Singing and Drums and successfully take graded exams on their instruments.


Music Department: Careers

Many of the students who have taken A level Music successfully continue to third level education. Over the years we have had pupils study music at Queens University, University of Ulster, Dublin Music College (BIMM) and others who have specialised in performance in the London College of Performing Arts. These students have successfully acquired professional status in the music industry in a variety of job roles.

Music Department: Educational Visits & Trips

Students have opportunities to enjoy music trips to see professional orchestras and artists perform. Over the year’s students have travelled to London to see theatre productions such as Wicked and Wizard of Oz. Pupils have also participated in West End workshops with professionals and visited the Harry Potter Studios.

Both the Senior and Junior Choirs have entered a variety of music festivals across Northern Ireland including BBC School Choir of the Year Competition.


Music Department: Gallery

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