Welcome To The Maths Department
Mathematics has been well defined as a language by which relationships of number, space, quantity and shape are communicated. Indeed, the principle reason for teaching mathematics arises from the fact that it can be used as a powerful means of communication which is concise and clear.
Maths Department: Staff
Mrs M Devlin - Director of Learning for Mathematics
Miss N McGarry - Numeracy Co-ordinator
Mrs D Bryson
Miss B Quigg
Mrs M Griffin
Mr C Lavery
Miss A Gormley
Mrs E Johnston
Miss M Devlin
Maths Department: Aims
We as a department aim to:
Help pupils enjoy mathematics and provide a rewarding experience.
Develop oral, written and practical mathematical knowledge and skills in a manner which encourages confidence.
Read mathematics and write and talk about the subject in a variety of ways.
Develop a feel for number, make calculations and understand the significance of the results obtained.
Apply mathematics in everyday situations and across the curriculum.
Solve problems, present solutions clearly, check and interpret the results.
Develop the abilities to reason logically, to classify, to generalise and to prove.
Recognise that a situation may be presented mathematically, identify and interpret relevant mathematical factors.
Use mathematics as a means of communication with emphasis on the use of clear expression.
Develop qualities of co-operation and flexibility.
Maths Department: Subject Overview
Key Stage 3
At Key Stage 3,
Key Stage 4
GCSE Maths
Maths is a compulsory part of the curriculum at GCSE. However, there are various pathways to achieve your GCSE Mathematics.
All GCSE examinations are taken with the CCEA examination board.
The areas of Maths studied are:
Geometry and Measure
Handling Data
The course is assessed at Higher Tier or Foundation Tier with written papers and there is no controlled assessment.
Pupils will take Module M1-M4 worth 45% of the GCSE qualification and a Completion Paper M5-M8 worth 55% of the qualification. Performance in assessments will be used to determine the Tier of entry and the corresponding module examination.
Textbooks available for use in this course are Higher GCSE Mathematics for CCEA and Foundation GCSE Mathematics for CCEA.mht and a digital copy is available for pupils through our shared resources.
Essential Skills Numeracy.
Essential Skills Numeracy is a qualification for adults in education, the workplace, training schemes and other everyday settings who wish to:
improve their essential application of number skills;
become better qualified;
improve their employment and training opportunities;
improve their overall quality of life and personal development;
progress through the national qualifications framework.
Essential Skills Numeracy (Entry Level 1,2,3)/(Level 1)/(Level 2) is a qualification which is offered to pupils who may pursue their education at the NRC after Year 12 or pupils who struggle with GCSE Maths and may benefit from this qualification.
GCSE Further Mathematics (revised specification from Sept 2018)
Those students displaying a high level of ability in and flair for Mathematics are offered the opportunity to take GCSE Higher Tier Mathematics at end of Year 11 and GCSE Further Mathematics at the end of Year 12.
Pupils will be prepared for two exam papers in Yr. 11 and Yr. 12.
GCSE Mathematics M4 & M8 and GCSE Further Mathematics

Further details of the specifications can be found at CCEA Further Maths specification.
Key Stage 5
KS5 Overview & Information
GCE AS/A2 (Revised Specification from September 2017)
In completing an A level course in Maths students will have the opportunity to:
1. Build an appropriate foundation for study of Maths and other subjects in Further and Higher education.
2. Consolidate and extend mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding developed in Key Stage 4.
3. Prepare themselves for a range of interesting careers.
Entry Requirements for A Level Maths are Grade A GCSE Mathematics with result coming from T4 & T6 Modules. GCSE Further Mathematics is preferred. A diagnostic test will be taken in the first two weeks of term and a minimum of a Grade C must be achieved to continue on this AS course.
In Year 13 &14 pupils will study two modules:

There are usually three classes studying Maths at Advanced Level, one of which will complete all modules in Year 13. Entry requirements for this class are Grade A in GCSE Mathematics and Grade A in Further Mathematics. All GCE AS and A2 examinations are taken with the CCEA examination board.Further details of the specifications can be found at www.ccea.org.uk
Maths Department: Careers
Studying maths helps you develop skills in logical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making, which are valued by employers across many job sectors.
Jobs directly related to your degree include:
Jobs where your degree would be useful include:
Maths Department:
Educational Visits & Trips
Maths Department: Gallery