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Welcome To The Irish Department

Fearadh na Fáilte go Roinn na Gaeilge!

The Irish Department is a thriving and highly successful Modern Language Department. The study of Irish is offered to all students from Years 8 to 14 through an interactive, stimulating and challenging programme of language, literature and culture. Formal learning is complemented by a range of extracurricular activities which promote the enjoyment and application of the language.

Pupils are entered for quizzes, debates and Gaeltacht scholarship competitions on a regular basis and it is the Department’s aim to encourage students to develop a love for and pride in the culture and language. Students are also encouraged to use Irish as a means of communication as often as possible and to visit the Gaeltacht.

Irish Department: Aims

We as a department aim to:

  • teach Irish in an enjoyable, interesting and rewarding way.

  • provide pupils with the opportunities to learn the language and develop their oral, written, aural and reading skills to their highest potential.

  • show how Irish is relevant in everyday life and can be used to help further their career opportunities in the future.

  • provide opportunities for active learning, working independently and working with others.

  • to holistically develop the pupils as well as well as develop their fluency for the language.

  • ensure all pupils enjoy the language learning process and all the opportunities that go with it e.g. the Gaeltacht.

Irish Department: Subject Overview

Key Stage 3

All students in year 8, 9 and 10 study Irish at the College. We endeavour to develop all their language skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. We study a range of topics and provide many opportunities to learn in fun and engaging ways. Pupils are provided with opportunities to work independently and also work with others in their classes. We believe that our KS3 curriculum prepares them well for the GCSE course if they choose to take it on as a subject. Irish is an exciting and interesting language and this comes across in the learning of the subject in the Junior years.

Some topics which are studied in Key Stage 3:

Beannachtaí /Greetings
Uimhreacha /Numbers
An t-am / The time
Mé féin agus daoine eile / Myself and others
An Aimsir / The weather
Teach agus timpeallacht / House and area
Caitheamh Aimsire /Hobbies
Saol and Uile Lae / Daily Routine
Saol na Scoile / School
Siopadóireacht / Shopping

Key Stage 4

Studying GCSE Irish develops your language skills and knowledge by raising your awareness and widening your understanding of Irish-speaking countries/communities.  You will have the opportunity to use practical Irish and take your place as a citizen in a multilingual, global society. It will give you the confidence to communicate effectively in a second language. You will be able to work independently and with others to enjoy the benefits of language learning.

You will study a range of topics in three Contexts for Learning:

  • Identity, Lifestyle and Culture;

  • Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest; and

  • School Life, Studies and the World of Work.

The four units are each worth 25% of the overall GCSE.


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Key Stage 5

GCE Irish will give you a fascinating insight into the Irish language and culture. Whilst developing the ability to communicate confidently and effectively in Irish in both speaking and writing, you will also learn about the contemporary society, cultural background and heritage of Irish-speaking countries and communities.  The study of Irish will significantly contribute to your personal development, will help you gain skills through independent study and research and widen your career opportunities.


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Irish Department: Careers

At university you can combine Irish with other languages or with a range of other subjects including American Studies, Computing, Design, Drama, International Politics, Irish History, Management, Law, Business, Marketing and Music. This opens many doors for career opportunities including:

  • Interpreter

  • Teacher

  • Lecturer

  • Translator

  • Journalist

  • Lawyer

  • Solicitor

  • Nurse

  • Social worker

  • Radio DJ

  • TV Presenter

  • Researcher

  • Jobs in Gaeltacht

  • Jobs in Irish Culture

  • Jobs in Irish Language Organisations.

Irish Department: Educational Visits & Trips

Irish Department: Gallery

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