Information Technology
Welcome To The I.T. Department
The ICT Department provides a learning environment suitable to each pupil’s academic ability whilst using a range of teaching strategies relevant to the curriculum. The ICT Department offers courses of study leading to external qualifications in both the vocational and academic pathways.
I.T. Department: Aims
We as a department aim to:
offer facilities for learning about ICT
support and encourage good practice in the use of ICT resources
promote individual pupil development in ICT
stimulate and foster an interest in and enjoyment in using ICT
I.T. Department: Subject Overview
Key Stage 3
At Key Stage 3...
Key Stage 4
GCSE Digital Technology
This qualification is available as:
a digital authoring qualification focusing on multimedia, GCSE Digital Technology (Multimedia); and
a digital development qualification focusing on programming, GCSE Digital Technology (Programming)
All students study Unit 1: Digital Technology. They then choose either the multimedia or the programming route and study the relevant two units for their chosen route.

Key Stage 5
Three different qualifications are offered at Key Stage 5.
GCE Digital Technology
At AS level you will learn about the ways in which computer systems can be developed as well as studying the essential digital technology concepts involved. You will complete two AS units, each with a written exam. These contribute overall to 40 percent of the A level award.
At A2 level you will complete two additional units, one with a written exam, the other involving coursework. These contribute to 60 percent of the A level award. For the written exam you will study computerised information systems in detail. In the coursework unit you will have the opportunity to apply the digital technology knowledge and skills that you have acquired to develop and implement a computerised information system. This qualification is for students who are interested in current and emerging technologies and the impact they have on our business and social lives and who wish to utilise them effectively. It is likely to appeal to all, but particularly those students who enjoyed studying Digital Technology, Mathematics, the Sciences or Technology and Design at GCSE.

GCE Software Systems Development
GCE in Software Systems Development is an applied qualification in which you develop knowledge, understanding and skills in the development of software applications through practical application in a context related to this area of employment. The ability to write computer programs in languages that are used widely in the industry is one of the most valuable skills to have in the world today. Knowing languages such as Java and C# allows you to programme and develop applications on a range of platforms such as desktops and mobiles. Wouldn’t it be great to have the skills to become part of this growing industry?

OCR ICT/Cambridge Technicals
They allow for greater flexibility with the choice of units that make up the qualification and are wholly internally assessed. In addition, the Level 3 qualifications have UCAS points, supporting progression to higher education (HE).Cambridge Technicals in IT consist of a wide range of units such as installing hardware, creating a website, identifying an IT fault, computer animation and e-commerce. It is an ideal foundation for students entering the workplace, providing them with a theoretical background reinforced with practical skills that transfer into the modern workplace.
Cambridge Technicals have minimal mandatory units, providing students with the ability to consider specialist pathways through the experience gained in a variety of units.
This course is 100% Coursework
I.T. Department: Careers