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Home Economics

Welcome To The Home Economics Department

Home Economics makes a major contribution to the school timetable, as one of the main subjects within the area of Learning for Life and Work of the Northern Ireland Curriculum.

All pupils in Key Stage 3 study Home Economics. The integrated approach adopted by the subject affords pupils the opportunity to explore inter-relationships between diet and health, the family and choice and management of resources.  Pupils develop a wide range of skills and experiences through practical and theory lessons which allow for active participation, critical thinking and decision making.  Group and paired work are widely used in Home Economics, so pupils develop their social skills and see the benefits of teamwork.  The practical element allows pupils to create an outcome within their lesson; leading to an immediate sense of achievement thus building self-esteem and confidence.

In Key Stage 4 pupils can continue to study one or a combination of subjects taught within the department namely: GCSE Food and Nutrition, GCSE Child Development, Occupational Studies or Pearson BTEC Home Cooking Skills Level 1.

At Key Stage 5 pupils are offered AS and A2 Double Award and Single Award Health and Social Care as an option.  GCSE and A Level subjects are delivered via CCEA examination board.

Home Economics Department: Aims

We as a department aim to:

  • provide learning experiences which are enjoyable and challenging but which are also achievable and motivating.

  • ensure pupils have access to the breadth and depth of subjects taught within the department at a level which is appropriate and relevant to their individual needs and capabilities.

  • allow pupils to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to enable them to become discerning consumers and effective managers in relation to home and family.

  • develop a positive attitude towards food acquiring the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to make informed choices and provide healthy diets.

  • foster the emotional, social, physical, communication and intellectual development of our students by the guidance, encouragement, positive behaviour management and teaching strategies which we employ in the classroom.

  • encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own learning and to develop independence and a sense of responsibility for themselves and others.

  • maintain the highest possible standards of achievement at all levels through assessment and feedback giving pupils the relevant preparation for life.

Home Economics Department: Subject Overview

Key Stage 3

A time allocation of three periods is given to cover Home Economics over the two-week timetable for all Key Stage 3 pupils.

This time slot is divided into a single period and a double period.

The double period is used for practical cookery as it gives pupils time to ‘cook from scratch’ developing weighing and measuring skills, food preparation and time management.

In the theory lesson pupils use work booklets which are differentiated to suit ability levels.


Topics/Booklets Studied in Year 8

  • Let’s Do Home Economics

  • Keep A Healthy Smile

  • Breakfast

  • The Road to Good Health

  • Keep Your Home Safe

  • Little Busy Bodies

Topics/Booklets Studied in Year 9

  • Food Safety

  • Life is Full of Changes

  • Foods Around the World

  • You Are What You Eat

  • What Will I Buy?

  • From Bump to Baby

Topics/Booklets Studied in Year 10

  • Grow Old Gracefully

  • Living Independently

  • A-Z of Adolescences

  • The Ethical Consumer

  • Oh Baby

  • All That Packaging

Key Stage 4

The GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition course gives you opportunities to learn about the science behind food – the nutritional content of foods, current nutritional guidelines and catering for the differing dietary needs of the people in today’s society. You will also learn about the current government nutritional guidelines and you will be expected to plan, prepare and cook meals and dishes in accordance with these guidelines. You will consider food choice, food safety and managing resources.

In the controlled assessment element of the course, you have the opportunity to demonstrate, with confidence, the high level practical food skills you acquire during the course.


Home Economics Department: Careers

Home Economics contributes to the teaching of careers in the college by having a careers board in each room.  Presentations are also made to pupils in years 10 and 12 outlining the subjects the department has to offer and the employment opportunities that can result from studying one of these subjects.

Currently many of the pupils who study Food and Nutrition, Child Development or Health and Social Care enter professions such as nursing, speech therapy, occupational therapy, dietetics etc.

As a department we envisage after COVID 19 there will be a need for nutritionists and psychologists to deal with the physical and mental health effects of the pandemic. Our students will be well placed to enter careers in these fields.

Home Economics Department:

Educational Visits & Trips

Home Economics Department: Gallery

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