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Health & Social Care 

(inc. GCSE Child Development)

Welcome To The Health & Social Care Department

You will gain knowledge and understanding of the health, social care and early years sectors. You will also increase your awareness of the issues affecting these sectors.

Health & Social Care Department: Aims

We as a department aim to:


  • provide learning experiences which are enjoyable and challenging but which are also achievable and motivating.

  • ensure pupils have access to the breadth and depth of subjects taught within the department at a level which is appropriate and relevant to their individual needs and capabilities.

  • allow pupils to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to enable them to become discerning consumers and effective managers in relation to home and family.

  • develop a positive attitude towards food acquiring the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to make informed choices and provide healthy diets.

  • foster the emotional, social, physical, communication and intellectual development of our students by the guidance, encouragement, positive behaviour management and teaching strategies which we employ in the classroom.

  • encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own learning and to develop independence and a sense of responsibility for themselves and others.

  • maintain the highest possible standards of achievement at all levels through assessment and feedback giving pupils the relevant preparation for life and the maximum advantage when seeking a care.

  • evaluate the quality of the provision and the outcomes for the pupils;

  • evaluate the school’s leadership and management and its capacity to

  • effect and sustain improvement in its provision and standards; and

  • inform the school’s planning for improvement.


In addition to the focus on English/literacy and mathematics/numeracy, there was a supplementary subject focus on modern languages in this inspection.


Some of the main findings of the Inspection were as follows:

Overall Effectiveness – The school has a high level of capacity for sustained improvement in the interest of all the learners. (This is the very highest level possible in this category).
Achievements and standards – Very Good
Provision for learning – Very Good
Leadership and management – Very Good


Quotes from the Inspectorate include:


“The quality of care and support is very effective. The whole-school strategy of ‘championing the child’ underpins the outstanding child centred provision throughout the school.


The school gives a high priority to developing a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum, which meets well the wide-ranging needs and aspirations of individual pupils and ensures appropriate progression opportunities into continuing education and employment. There is a bespoke curriculum for pupils.


The standards attained by the pupils in public examinations at Key Stage 4 are outstanding.


The standards obtained by the pupils’ in English are outstanding.


The standards attained by the pupils in mathematics arevery good.


The standards attained by the pupils in modern languages are very good.


At GCE A Level, the pupils’ attainment in Irish is very high; over the last three years, almost all of the pupils attained grades A* to B and it is noteworthy that in 2015 all of the pupils attained at grades A* to A.


Over the last three years, the attainment of five or more GCSEs or equivalent at grades A* to C, including English and mathematics, by pupils entitled to free school meals, is well above the NI average. The achievements of the pupils in the LSC are outstanding.


The percentage of pupils attaining three or more GCE A levels or equivalent at grades A* to C is significantly above the average for non-selective schools.


The pupils benefit from an outstanding programme of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.


The percentage of pupils progressing to higher education courses is well above the NI average for non-selective schools.’


One member of the inspection team described the College as “A big school with a small school feel.”


As you can see, we have reason to be very proud of the College.

Health & Social Care Department: Subject Overview

Key Stage 4


The GCSE  Child Development course will give you opportunities to learn about the important considerations when having a family and caring for a small baby. You will also learn about the developmental needs of young children (aged 0–5 years) and how to look after their health and well-being.


Key Stage 5


By studying GCE Health and Social Care you will gain knowledge and understanding of the health, social care and early years sectors. You will also increase your awareness of the issues affecting these sectors. As this is an applied subject with a more vocational perspective you may be given the opportunity to access a health, social care or early years service such as a hospital, care home, day centre, nursery or primary school to gain first-hand knowledge, understanding and experience of the day-to-day running of a care setting. The choice of optional units will give you flexibility and the opportunity to broaden your knowledge.


Health & Social Care Department: Careers

Studying health and social care will enable you to gain skills that are valued in further and higher education as well as in the workplace.


Many students who complete GCE Health and Social Care continue to third level education to study a wide range of courses including childcare, nursing, midwifery, social work, occupational therapy, speech therapy, physiotherapy, teaching and similar careers. A wide range of courses including degree courses are available at colleges and universities.


You may, however, use this qualification to gain access to a course which is not related to health, social care or early years. Whilst GCE Health and Social Care is an applied subject it has the same currency in UCAS points as other GCE subjects. Alternatively you may progress to employment or undertake further training to enhance your career prospects.

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